Diven by law

Insolvency and debtor-creditor relationships

In the case of a creditor’s insolvency, whether it is temporary or irreparable, Yves provides consultations on company restructuring or bankruptcy issues.

If a creditor fails to perform financial obligations due to temporary difficulties or insolvency, Yves provides consultations on the issues of its restructuring or bankruptcy irrespective of whether the debtor is a client of Yves or a person who has liabilities to its client.

In the event of the debtor’s failure to settle, Yves has necessary competences to be able to propose the most appropriate solutions at the pre-trial, trial and bankruptcy stage and coordinating them with each other.

Yves adapts legal services to clients which regularly need such services and which operate in the areas of financial, insurance, service provision and other services.

We consult internal entities departments on the efficiency improvement of receivables management instruments, credit risk assessment and application of instruments for its management.